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New Charity – Ealing Foodbank

Posted by Nicky | 25/02/2019

Seccombe charity - Ealing Foodbank

As a family owned business, with strong traditional values, supporting a local charity is very important to us.

We heard about Ealing Foodbank from one of our customers, and have now adopted them as our chosen charity.

If you would like to make a donation, we have their charity collection boxes near our tills. Any change you can spare to help these guys provide food to those in need, will be very gratefully received.

Any fundraising opportunities we carry out will be in support of the charity. We will keep you updated on the events we are holding, and let you know how you can get involved.

If you would like to learn more about the work of Ealing Foodbank, take a look at their website: Ealing Foodbank.